Wednesday, March 11, 2020


I just re-read a post from 2009 about my daughter choosing a college different from the one I preferred. Looking back at how things have worked out so far is a real gift.

At the time, I wanted her to go to a new program for TV Writing at a pretty prestigious school. I was so proud that she was accepted into the program. I knew at the time part of my elation was vicariously living through her. That would have been something I would have loved to be able to do. Instead, she decided to go to a private small college in state and to study psychology. She flourished in that program, graduating with honors and many accolades in just three years! She went on to complete a 5-year master/doctorate program, and became a Doctor of Clinical Psychology at age 26.

I am so very proud of her that I am busting my buttons!

She is making a real difference in people's lives!

My daughter works with patients who have suffered trauma and PTSD. She is working in Chicago where violence is higher than in many other large cities. She works very hard and puts in many, many hours, not just doing patient care, but also fund-raising for money to buy her patients things they need to aid in their recovery, but they cannot afford to buy themselves.

My daughter is selfless, almost to a fault.

She takes on additional duties to cover when there were staffing shortages. She lets patients call her at any time, not just during office hours. She holds people's hands when they are suffering and stays with them when they relapse, giving them support and if needed, a shoulder to cry on.

As I l write this, the stark difference in how things turned out from what I had envisioned is simply amazing.

The lesson I learned while living through this with my daughter is this... nobody has a crystal ball to foretell the future. The future is what you make of it!

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