Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Pandemic Thanksgiving

The year 2020 has been very interesting.

Brings to mind that old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times!"

From my point of view, experiencing a pandemic has not been all bad. This has been the opportunity of a lifetime to put into practice the "glass half full" philosophy and take this time to make some good changes to my life.

It's now Thanksgiving, and as always its time to reflect on one's blessings. To me, 2020 embodies the KISS principles I try to espouse and follow. The only way to keep sane during this time is to keep it simple and manage expectations.

So far, I've been able to keep my expectations in check and its worked to keep me from becoming burdened about what has been taken away. Instead, I have focused on what I have...

My health - taking extra precautions to say well

My family - although we've lost two cousins to Covid-19 and know other families with loses too

My dog - a daily joy and positive influence

Enough food - trying not to succumb to the Covid-15 and mindful there are others who are hungry

My job - fortunate to work in an industry where I can continue to work from my home

All these things I do not take for granted.

I am blessed.

I hope you are too.