The talk radio and news radio stories keep announcing how people are changing their driving habits because gas costs too much. Well, I can't tell. In the DC area, gridlock continues. Even on non-rush hour times, there are just as many cars on the roads as when gas costs were half today's prices.
Perhaps this area will hold on to our gas-gosling habits longer because we are (suposedly) more affluent then other parts of the country. Or, could it be that there are more selfish people living in the DC metro area per capita than elsewhere? Whatever the reason, I haven't noticed any changes.
My own gas consuming behavior hasn't changed despite my keen awareness and excessive knowledge (ha) of the economical and ecological damage being done. At least I have someone else to blame for this...
I live in an area where there is NO public transportation. If I were to give up my car, I would have to walk or ride my bike a minimum of 3 miles to get to the closest bus stop. I probably won't bike because there's no place to lock up at the bus stop, which is in a fairly deserted area. Now that I've gotten on the bus, I'd be taken to another bus stop to switch lines. Then, that second bus would take me to the metro/subway - but it's the wrong line to get me to work. So, next I commute via subway to a hub station and transfer lines. Then finally, I get to the station where I work and I walk to my building. I actually haven't done this, but I estimate this would take me nearly 2 hours to complete. Perhaps less, but definitely no less than 1.5 hours. I get to work via car in 20 minutes.
So, which transportation option has the smaller carbon footprint? Doesn't one 4 cylinder car leave a smaller footprint than two buses and two subway trains? Especially if I keep my car well tuned?
I don't know that any of this accurate. But this is one case where I will be selfish and continue to drive myself. When I factor in the loss of personal time (of which I am already at a deficit), I'm not willing increase the time it takes to get to and from work, nor to mention the burden of using public transportation - dealing with people, fighting for seats, using aging and broken fare card equipment, broken escalators, hot subway conditions, the strain of carrying your possessions, and the danger factor.
I hope this exercise demonstrates why people here aren't doing more to cut down on their consumption of gasoline. I blame the urban planners and elected officials here for not getting us better public transportation options. Oh yeah, these are the same people who are responsible for all the over-development in this area. Shame on them for being inept at their jobs. However, we ultimately can only blame ourselves for making bad voting choices and for not being vigilante about their actions (or lack of).
Sorry, there's no simple, simple answer to this problem except to pick up and move to an area that's been better managed. That may not be a bad idea.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Shoulder Hogs and Telecommuting - The Odd Couple
Sorry, but I've got to grip about more bad driving habits exhibited by our selfish friends.
Road shoulders have now become extra driving lanes! Not!
Yes, people in the DC area are actually driving down the right AND left shoulders of the road when traffic isn't moving fast enough to suit them. It's unbelievable and very, very dangerous. My new driver daughter was almost hit the other day when she legally merged into the right turn lane and found another car was already there, driving down the shoulder to make the same right turn. If bad luck had prevailed instead of good, my daughter's car would have been hit from behind. In this state, that is automatically the car in front's fault. Ouch. Being just sixteen, she would have been in a bad position having had her license for only three months. Thanks goodness nothing bad happened. But, she was shook up.
Shoulder drivers are also seen on I-95 during rush hour on either end of the work day. I want to know why the local and state police aren't putting a quick stop to this problem before it gets further out-of-control. I, of course, am looking for a simple, simple way to discourage bad behavior. I think it should be okay to open your car door when you see another driver coming down the shoulder and it should automatically be their fault. I would have to seriously consider doing this in light of the harm such retaliation would do to the drivers of both cars. This is probably not a good idea - but what then?
Traffic in this area is bad, being only second to LA in gridlock. But, what makes people think they can completely ignore simple, simple driving rules like shoulders are not driving lanes?
I guess the real answer is to telecommute (a.k.a. working from home.) It's an old idea that's taking much too long to be realized. It's not a technological issue, but rather the lack of trust between supervisors and workers that is keeping telecommuting from being implemented widely across the area (if not the country). Telecommuting would save gas, reduce carbon emissions, and would greatly reduce the number of cars on the roads. It would save wear-and-tear on cars, on roads, and on other components of the transportation infrastructure. Telecommuting would also help truckers and others who can't work from home by removing traffic and other obstacles that create delays and waste gas. This could result in lower food costs, as well as price reductions in other goods transported over our highways.
Telecommuting is today's simple, simple solution to a lot of major problems.
(And, you can work in your pj's! Yea!)
Road shoulders have now become extra driving lanes! Not!
Yes, people in the DC area are actually driving down the right AND left shoulders of the road when traffic isn't moving fast enough to suit them. It's unbelievable and very, very dangerous. My new driver daughter was almost hit the other day when she legally merged into the right turn lane and found another car was already there, driving down the shoulder to make the same right turn. If bad luck had prevailed instead of good, my daughter's car would have been hit from behind. In this state, that is automatically the car in front's fault. Ouch. Being just sixteen, she would have been in a bad position having had her license for only three months. Thanks goodness nothing bad happened. But, she was shook up.
Shoulder drivers are also seen on I-95 during rush hour on either end of the work day. I want to know why the local and state police aren't putting a quick stop to this problem before it gets further out-of-control. I, of course, am looking for a simple, simple way to discourage bad behavior. I think it should be okay to open your car door when you see another driver coming down the shoulder and it should automatically be their fault. I would have to seriously consider doing this in light of the harm such retaliation would do to the drivers of both cars. This is probably not a good idea - but what then?
Traffic in this area is bad, being only second to LA in gridlock. But, what makes people think they can completely ignore simple, simple driving rules like shoulders are not driving lanes?
I guess the real answer is to telecommute (a.k.a. working from home.) It's an old idea that's taking much too long to be realized. It's not a technological issue, but rather the lack of trust between supervisors and workers that is keeping telecommuting from being implemented widely across the area (if not the country). Telecommuting would save gas, reduce carbon emissions, and would greatly reduce the number of cars on the roads. It would save wear-and-tear on cars, on roads, and on other components of the transportation infrastructure. Telecommuting would also help truckers and others who can't work from home by removing traffic and other obstacles that create delays and waste gas. This could result in lower food costs, as well as price reductions in other goods transported over our highways.
Telecommuting is today's simple, simple solution to a lot of major problems.
(And, you can work in your pj's! Yea!)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Where did all the flowers go?

Every bit of undeveloped space is being bulldozed.
My dad sold real estate for over twenty years and he always said the measure of a good property was by "location, location, location." Well that's apparently not true any more. Houses are going up on tiny, weeny strips of land next to highways, byways, and overpasses. Yuck.
Worse than this over-development is that the trees are being destroyed. Now, in case you don't know it, trees are our source of oxygen on Planet Earth. Houses do not replenish the air that we breath. Instead, they pollute and increase carbon emissions. All bad. Repeat, this is bad. I know some of you need things put in simple, simple terms (like me).
Some stupid folks were recently overheard saying, "Where did all these deer in my back yard come from?" Dah - you house is sitting where their home once was. They have no place else to go. Don't you like sharing your yard with Bambi? Oh yeah, be careful driving around your new neighborhood at night... Bambi doesn't have lights.
I am dazed and confused by all the development going on around my town. I'm actually happy to see the housing market slow down. People - buy used, errrr, previously owned homes. Please! It's good for you and better for the planet and our furry friends with whom we share limited living space. Oh, and yes, this is also a solution for our slumping economy.
So, save the planet, the animals, and the economy - buy a resale instead of new construction.
Thanks and good night. Oh yeah, watch out for Bambi.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day - Happy Holiday - Not!
It's the Memorial Day national holiday and I don't want to be remiss and not give the proper greeting. But, as this is a day of reflection on the sacrifice of others on our behalf, I am sure it is not right to say "Happy Memorial Day."
Yet, that's what people say. Probably because they are happy not to go to work. But, let's not mix our personal pleasure with national perspective.
Memorial Day here in the Nation's Capitol is filled with people remembering our fallen heroes and those who have served in the military past and present. "Rolling Thunder" is here this weekend and it's hard to miss them as they roar through our streets. I applaud them and always give them the high sign as they pass by. It's been a long time now since the Vietnam War ended and we should never forget. Oops - I guess our country's leaders did or they wouldn't have gotten us into another similar situation. None-the-less, we still have unaccounted for and missing service men from that engagement and until those families can put Vietnam to rest, I agree we should not forget our MIA's.
My Dad served in the Korean conflict - it wasn't a real war technically. He was proud of this and was entitled to a military burial when he passed away. Today, there is an American flag fluttering above his grave at Annapolis' military cemetery and he'd like that. And, I feel good knowing he got his final wish to be laid to rest there.
I'm not so sure that the kids serving in the two wars we're currently engaged in will get to feel as good about their service in the final chapter of their lives. They are brave and I commend them for their willingness to serve. I have difficulty with equating their service with being "for our country." Sorry, but I'm being honest. It feels more like service for "Bush's and Chaney's companies."
I try really hard not to be political in my writings - mostly because I'm the first to admit that I'm less informed than I could (and should) be. I try to remain in firmly rooted in the middle and to keep things as simple as possible. Hence, the theme of this blog. Any student of history -- or even any student, period -- could have predicted going to war in the Middle East is a bad idea.
On this Memorial Day, I hope all American's will stop picnicking long enough to ponder the purpose of this day and to think about how their voting choices in November will influence the end of today's wars. The next President, and even more so the next Congress, will affect how long these wars continue, how long our country will continue to invest money and lives in other country's conflicts, and how soon we bring this all to resolution - whether a happy resolution or otherwise is also dependent on election choices facing us.
This is a very important Memorial Day!
Yet, that's what people say. Probably because they are happy not to go to work. But, let's not mix our personal pleasure with national perspective.
Memorial Day here in the Nation's Capitol is filled with people remembering our fallen heroes and those who have served in the military past and present. "Rolling Thunder" is here this weekend and it's hard to miss them as they roar through our streets. I applaud them and always give them the high sign as they pass by. It's been a long time now since the Vietnam War ended and we should never forget. Oops - I guess our country's leaders did or they wouldn't have gotten us into another similar situation. None-the-less, we still have unaccounted for and missing service men from that engagement and until those families can put Vietnam to rest, I agree we should not forget our MIA's.
My Dad served in the Korean conflict - it wasn't a real war technically. He was proud of this and was entitled to a military burial when he passed away. Today, there is an American flag fluttering above his grave at Annapolis' military cemetery and he'd like that. And, I feel good knowing he got his final wish to be laid to rest there.
I'm not so sure that the kids serving in the two wars we're currently engaged in will get to feel as good about their service in the final chapter of their lives. They are brave and I commend them for their willingness to serve. I have difficulty with equating their service with being "for our country." Sorry, but I'm being honest. It feels more like service for "Bush's and Chaney's companies."
I try really hard not to be political in my writings - mostly because I'm the first to admit that I'm less informed than I could (and should) be. I try to remain in firmly rooted in the middle and to keep things as simple as possible. Hence, the theme of this blog. Any student of history -- or even any student, period -- could have predicted going to war in the Middle East is a bad idea.
On this Memorial Day, I hope all American's will stop picnicking long enough to ponder the purpose of this day and to think about how their voting choices in November will influence the end of today's wars. The next President, and even more so the next Congress, will affect how long these wars continue, how long our country will continue to invest money and lives in other country's conflicts, and how soon we bring this all to resolution - whether a happy resolution or otherwise is also dependent on election choices facing us.
This is a very important Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Hey - Leave the Spaces for the Real Disabled Folks!
I'm really not going to spend a great deal of time on this topic, but I need to vent. Everywhere I go I see apparently able-bodied people using Handicap hangers to park in spaces reserved for the disabled. Now, this is the height of selfishness.
Yesterday I took my elderly mother out shopping at our local mall. Mom has disabled tags because she can't walk well nor can she walk very far for very long. She recently had a major back surgery to attempt to correct this condition and she's still recovering. In fact, she was particularly wobbly and really needed a parking spot close to the door leading to the store she wanted to visit.
There was one handicap spot left - thank goodness. The door to the van on the right side of the spot, also a handicap spot, was blocked by a man standing with the door open talking to a passenger. As we indicated our intent to part, he jumped up into the van. Hummm. Well, he could have been driving someone who was disabled.
When we came out of the store about 20 minutes later, the people who had parked in the handicap space on the left of Mom's car were coming out too. Not one of them appeared to be disabled. In fact, they were young with small children in tow. Not that young people aren't disabled, but I'd bet my salary everyone in that car was physically fit. Hummm. Wonder how many truly disabled people were unable to park because they took that spot.
I see this all the time, even in the parking garage at work. In fact, one woman whom I actually know, came zooming through the garage and screeched to a halt in the handicapped space closest to the door. She then jumped out and ran up the steps - not even taking the elevator. I doubt if I could run up those steps.
I realize disabilities aren't always visible - I happen to be hard of hearing. But, it's a fact that too many people are using these handicap tags when they aren't disabled. And, that should be a crime in my opinion. I knew another woman at work who got a disreputable doctor to sign her forms requesting a reasonable accommodation to work fewer days and to get handicapped parking tags. My mother - a nurse - knows the doctor and told me he would sign anyone's forms regardless of their actual need. I think this is just another flagrant illustration of someone thinking they are better than everyone else.
Well, in my world such people would end up in jail where they could get plenty of time to ponder their bad behavior. I bet people would think twice before they lied, stole, and cheated old and disabled people out of a privilege they really need to have.
This is shameful. It's that simple, simple.
Yesterday I took my elderly mother out shopping at our local mall. Mom has disabled tags because she can't walk well nor can she walk very far for very long. She recently had a major back surgery to attempt to correct this condition and she's still recovering. In fact, she was particularly wobbly and really needed a parking spot close to the door leading to the store she wanted to visit.
There was one handicap spot left - thank goodness. The door to the van on the right side of the spot, also a handicap spot, was blocked by a man standing with the door open talking to a passenger. As we indicated our intent to part, he jumped up into the van. Hummm. Well, he could have been driving someone who was disabled.
When we came out of the store about 20 minutes later, the people who had parked in the handicap space on the left of Mom's car were coming out too. Not one of them appeared to be disabled. In fact, they were young with small children in tow. Not that young people aren't disabled, but I'd bet my salary everyone in that car was physically fit. Hummm. Wonder how many truly disabled people were unable to park because they took that spot.
I see this all the time, even in the parking garage at work. In fact, one woman whom I actually know, came zooming through the garage and screeched to a halt in the handicapped space closest to the door. She then jumped out and ran up the steps - not even taking the elevator. I doubt if I could run up those steps.
I realize disabilities aren't always visible - I happen to be hard of hearing. But, it's a fact that too many people are using these handicap tags when they aren't disabled. And, that should be a crime in my opinion. I knew another woman at work who got a disreputable doctor to sign her forms requesting a reasonable accommodation to work fewer days and to get handicapped parking tags. My mother - a nurse - knows the doctor and told me he would sign anyone's forms regardless of their actual need. I think this is just another flagrant illustration of someone thinking they are better than everyone else.
Well, in my world such people would end up in jail where they could get plenty of time to ponder their bad behavior. I bet people would think twice before they lied, stole, and cheated old and disabled people out of a privilege they really need to have.
This is shameful. It's that simple, simple.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Blink, Blink, Blink - Dah
It's so very simple, simple. That lever next to the steering wheel that helps you indicate which direction you are going to turn. It's called your "turn signal indicator" or "blinker" for us simple, simple minded folks.
Perhaps I'm overly simplifying here, but the use or non-use of this delightfully simple mechanism at best saves lives. At least, saves frustration. Either way, it's a great device. And, it's virtually free! (Using it only costs you a couple calories at the most to push the lever up or down.) If it's that easy, why don't people use their blinkers?
If you really don't care about this line of thought, then I suggest you bear with me a bit because I do think I have a valid point to make. I think people don't blink because they are: a) lazy,
b) inconsiderate, and, c) distracted. These fundamental conditions are indications that we are in trouble. Once these conditions were considered to be the bane of our society. It was an insult to be called lazy, inconsiderate/rude/selfish, and, distracted/unfocused/addle brained. Today we accept these conditions as part of our normal behavior.
Wow - that floors me. Now, I know I'm sounding like an old foggie, but why would anyone want to be any of these things is beyond my comprehension. I think people really don't want to be this way. I think they are completely and blissfully ignorant to their condition. That's because nobody bothers to teach the fundamentals of societal responsibility these days. Those of us who lived before and/or through the social disorder of the late 60's and early 70's are familiar with these "rules of polite society" that have vanished in the past 30 years. Now, I felt at the time that many of these rules were silly and restrictive. But, the pendulum has swung way too far to the other extreme.
These silly, fundamental rules provide essential behavioral boundaries that become more important -- not less important -- as the population grows and grows and grows. With more limited personal space and overcrowded conditions -- especially on the roads and highways -- the only way people can coexist in harmony is by adhering to the rules of the game. Without such simple guidance, we're all out there playing our own private games and let the other fellow beware! (If you carry this thought to its conclusion, you can see that this ultimately results in no national or local identity, and that leads to worse things than bad driving...)
If you agree with this simple, simple theory then you will ask the next logical question; how can we move the pendulum back more to center? Basically, we have got to agree on a national and local level what constitutes proper behavior. (This ties into a sound and positive national and local sense of purpose and identity.) We are lucky to have perfectly honed and useful marketing channels to reach people at all levels of society. We need to stop rewarding behavior that's detrimental by ignoring the perpetrators. We need to stop ignoring people who are doing the right things.
There are pockets of activity such as this are already in action. For example there are billboards saying things like: Virgin is not a bad word - People who smoke get kissed less - PAUSE (a new campaign asking kids to take a couple seconds to think before they act).
I'd like to see similar focus on education and career development. Since when is it a bad thing to be a good student? If you can't revel in your academic success then why should students make the effort. Why is it okay to disrespect your teachers? Small wonder nobody wants to enter the teaching career these days. It's too hard and the pay is a national disgrace.
Here's where blinkers come in...
I'd like to see some tightening of our driving laws. I'd like to make every licensed driver retake the written driving test each time they renew their license - this would ensure drivers reread the driving manual at least once every few years. Perhaps their mental recall would improve when faced with a critical driving decision. I'd like to make it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving. I prefer to not be killed by some idiot who wasn't looking where they were going. Four years ago my car was totaled by a woman driving an SUV and talking on her cell phone in rush-hour stop-and-go traffic on the Interstate highway. I was stopped and she happened to look up just as she drove through the trunk of my Camry. Yes, she said, "I looked up and I was in your trunk!" Need I say more?
And, I contend that if people HAD to use their blinkers, they would PAUSE to think about which direction they intended to go. That would be a really big help. All too often I see drivers backing up on the Interstate highway because they missed their exit. Or, drivers suddenly swerving across two or three lanes of traffic from the left lane to make a right turn. And, lastly drivers who continue to travel at top speeds off exit ramps, never turning their heads to check before barreling into on-coming traffic. It's dangerous out there - but, we can do something about it.
Perhaps I'm overly simplifying here, but the use or non-use of this delightfully simple mechanism at best saves lives. At least, saves frustration. Either way, it's a great device. And, it's virtually free! (Using it only costs you a couple calories at the most to push the lever up or down.) If it's that easy, why don't people use their blinkers?
If you really don't care about this line of thought, then I suggest you bear with me a bit because I do think I have a valid point to make. I think people don't blink because they are: a) lazy,
b) inconsiderate, and, c) distracted. These fundamental conditions are indications that we are in trouble. Once these conditions were considered to be the bane of our society. It was an insult to be called lazy, inconsiderate/rude/selfish, and, distracted/unfocused/addle brained. Today we accept these conditions as part of our normal behavior.
Wow - that floors me. Now, I know I'm sounding like an old foggie, but why would anyone want to be any of these things is beyond my comprehension. I think people really don't want to be this way. I think they are completely and blissfully ignorant to their condition. That's because nobody bothers to teach the fundamentals of societal responsibility these days. Those of us who lived before and/or through the social disorder of the late 60's and early 70's are familiar with these "rules of polite society" that have vanished in the past 30 years. Now, I felt at the time that many of these rules were silly and restrictive. But, the pendulum has swung way too far to the other extreme.
These silly, fundamental rules provide essential behavioral boundaries that become more important -- not less important -- as the population grows and grows and grows. With more limited personal space and overcrowded conditions -- especially on the roads and highways -- the only way people can coexist in harmony is by adhering to the rules of the game. Without such simple guidance, we're all out there playing our own private games and let the other fellow beware! (If you carry this thought to its conclusion, you can see that this ultimately results in no national or local identity, and that leads to worse things than bad driving...)
If you agree with this simple, simple theory then you will ask the next logical question; how can we move the pendulum back more to center? Basically, we have got to agree on a national and local level what constitutes proper behavior. (This ties into a sound and positive national and local sense of purpose and identity.) We are lucky to have perfectly honed and useful marketing channels to reach people at all levels of society. We need to stop rewarding behavior that's detrimental by ignoring the perpetrators. We need to stop ignoring people who are doing the right things.
There are pockets of activity such as this are already in action. For example there are billboards saying things like: Virgin is not a bad word - People who smoke get kissed less - PAUSE (a new campaign asking kids to take a couple seconds to think before they act).
I'd like to see similar focus on education and career development. Since when is it a bad thing to be a good student? If you can't revel in your academic success then why should students make the effort. Why is it okay to disrespect your teachers? Small wonder nobody wants to enter the teaching career these days. It's too hard and the pay is a national disgrace.
Here's where blinkers come in...
I'd like to see some tightening of our driving laws. I'd like to make every licensed driver retake the written driving test each time they renew their license - this would ensure drivers reread the driving manual at least once every few years. Perhaps their mental recall would improve when faced with a critical driving decision. I'd like to make it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving. I prefer to not be killed by some idiot who wasn't looking where they were going. Four years ago my car was totaled by a woman driving an SUV and talking on her cell phone in rush-hour stop-and-go traffic on the Interstate highway. I was stopped and she happened to look up just as she drove through the trunk of my Camry. Yes, she said, "I looked up and I was in your trunk!" Need I say more?
And, I contend that if people HAD to use their blinkers, they would PAUSE to think about which direction they intended to go. That would be a really big help. All too often I see drivers backing up on the Interstate highway because they missed their exit. Or, drivers suddenly swerving across two or three lanes of traffic from the left lane to make a right turn. And, lastly drivers who continue to travel at top speeds off exit ramps, never turning their heads to check before barreling into on-coming traffic. It's dangerous out there - but, we can do something about it.
Friday, May 23, 2008
When Did I Get Old?
A really weird thing has happened.
I went from being the youngest person at work and generally among the people I know... to... being one of the oldest!
I know this sounds stupid, but it really did seem to happen all-of-the-sudden. Where did the people who are older than me go? Gosh, I hope they didn't already die! It's as if I went to sleep one night and awoke to a completely different reality.
Worse of all is that I have also started to look older. Argh. Who made the rule that when you hit 50, your parts fall apart? (I guess I have to assume some responsibility for this happening since I hate to exercise and I love my comfort foods.)
The very worse part of this unfortunate transformation is how other people are now treating me. They have absolutely NO RESPECT for me, a middle-aged woman!
It's enough to make a grown woman cry - but not me! I'd like to know "what the f_ck is happening here?" I've decided I'm not going to let people walk over me. Here's what happened to me yesterday... (prepare yourself a sordid tale of immaturity...)
As I was making a left turn into the metro parking lot, a woman in a van zoomed around my car on the right side and turned shapely in front of me - going very fast. This was a very dangerous thing to do and she nearly took off the front right fender of my car. I guessed she was hurrying to drop off a passenger who had to run to make the morning commuter train.
Nope. She just sat and talked to her passenger, obviously not in a hurry.
So, when the passenger finally exited the van - and the van's driver remained sitting there, blocking all the other cars behind her - I gave her ONE SHORT TOOT of my horn. After all, we all had places to go and things to do.
Suddenly, the female driver jumps out of the van, rushes up to my window and yells at me, "I'm gonna punch you in da face, bitch!"
She gets an attitude with me after she passes me on the right, causing me to swerve to avoid hitting her, and after waiting for her and the passenger to take their sweet time doing whatever the hell they were doing while everyone else was stuck behind them.
Weird! Totally weird!
Well, I started laughing at her and that made her even more mad. So she calls me another name. And, then she gets back into her van and doesn't move. Unbelievable.
I only have one word for her behavior...
Simply ignorant.
I wonder if she would have treated me that way if I'd been 20 or 30-something. Makes me think. (BTW - I've added a link to another blog called BlondSense. There's a post there about Hillary Clinton and gender/age discrimination. Perhaps this is NOT all in my head!)
I went from being the youngest person at work and generally among the people I know... to... being one of the oldest!
I know this sounds stupid, but it really did seem to happen all-of-the-sudden. Where did the people who are older than me go? Gosh, I hope they didn't already die! It's as if I went to sleep one night and awoke to a completely different reality.
Worse of all is that I have also started to look older. Argh. Who made the rule that when you hit 50, your parts fall apart? (I guess I have to assume some responsibility for this happening since I hate to exercise and I love my comfort foods.)
The very worse part of this unfortunate transformation is how other people are now treating me. They have absolutely NO RESPECT for me, a middle-aged woman!
- Men don't hold doors for me any more.
- Younger people rush to beat me to the front of lines.
- Other middle-aged women push me aside with their gigantic hips and protruding butts.
- Children step on my feet and bounce balloons off my head and aren't corrected.
- Cars splash mud on me as I wait for the light to change, and,
- People let elevator doors close on me as I'm entering.
It's enough to make a grown woman cry - but not me! I'd like to know "what the f_ck is happening here?" I've decided I'm not going to let people walk over me. Here's what happened to me yesterday... (prepare yourself a sordid tale of immaturity...)
As I was making a left turn into the metro parking lot, a woman in a van zoomed around my car on the right side and turned shapely in front of me - going very fast. This was a very dangerous thing to do and she nearly took off the front right fender of my car. I guessed she was hurrying to drop off a passenger who had to run to make the morning commuter train.
Nope. She just sat and talked to her passenger, obviously not in a hurry.
So, when the passenger finally exited the van - and the van's driver remained sitting there, blocking all the other cars behind her - I gave her ONE SHORT TOOT of my horn. After all, we all had places to go and things to do.
Suddenly, the female driver jumps out of the van, rushes up to my window and yells at me, "I'm gonna punch you in da face, bitch!"
She gets an attitude with me after she passes me on the right, causing me to swerve to avoid hitting her, and after waiting for her and the passenger to take their sweet time doing whatever the hell they were doing while everyone else was stuck behind them.
Weird! Totally weird!
Well, I started laughing at her and that made her even more mad. So she calls me another name. And, then she gets back into her van and doesn't move. Unbelievable.
I only have one word for her behavior...
Simply ignorant.
I wonder if she would have treated me that way if I'd been 20 or 30-something. Makes me think. (BTW - I've added a link to another blog called BlondSense. There's a post there about Hillary Clinton and gender/age discrimination. Perhaps this is NOT all in my head!)
Bitch, Bitch, Bitch - Sigh
Okay, I admit it. I started to write this blog because I needed an outlet of my frustration. I've found that getting it out helps keep me sane. Nothing wrong with that. But, there is definitely something wrong with endless bitching.
WARNING: Endless bitching can turn you into a bitch.
Humm. Is this true? I usually feel better after pounding the keyboard and unloading my thoughts and furry. Actually, I've been pretty tame here (just in case someone actually reads all this.) So far, I've been safe.
I think I'll keep going on with this exercise because I am enjoying the experience. And, I know I have much more to bitch about. However, I am also going to start writing about the good things that happen.
After all, life is good when it comes down to it. It's that simple, simple!
WARNING: Endless bitching can turn you into a bitch.
Humm. Is this true? I usually feel better after pounding the keyboard and unloading my thoughts and furry. Actually, I've been pretty tame here (just in case someone actually reads all this.) So far, I've been safe.
I think I'll keep going on with this exercise because I am enjoying the experience. And, I know I have much more to bitch about. However, I am also going to start writing about the good things that happen.
After all, life is good when it comes down to it. It's that simple, simple!
Friday, May 16, 2008
There are Simple, Simply Too Many Selfish Folk Out Here
People have forgotten how to be civil to each other. This is really quite Simple, Simple to do. Yet, every day I see more examples of how we fail to treat others with respect.
For example; this morning I decided to go to McDonald's to get a visiting friend of my son's a bagel breakfast sandwich. I'm waiting my turn in the drive through line and another driver comes in the back entrance of the parking lot. She then positions her car to enter the line in front of me, who has been waiting in line patiently.
Now, here's my dilemma. Should I let her in front of me - a head of all the other cars patiently waiting their turn - or do I tell her to get in line like the rest of us?
Well, being sick and tired of these "special" folks always ignoring the principals of good behavior, I indicate to her I'm not letting her in. She rolls down the window and yells to me that she's been waiting to get in the line for two cars now.
So, how is that my problem? I too have been waiting my turn - and, I've been doing it in line the correct way. So, I roll down my window and tell her she should get in line like the rest of us.
Now, I appreciate your patience as I recount this sordid tale of immaturity, but here is the punch line...
She says "I don't have to!"
I have to be honest and tell you that I was floored by this response. And, I am also delighted by it!
For awhile now I have been certain that the root cause of all the discourteous behavior I have witnessed is due to people thinking they are BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. And, BINGO! This woman proves my hypotheses.
So what, you might ask. Well, since society is based on people following rules to ensure we all can get along together and be safe living together, this is very disconcerting. What I don't yet have figured out is what to do about this type person. When encountering someone who is only concerned about their own welfare and desires at the expense of others -- a.k.a. breaking the societal rules -- how should one respond? I am pondering this question with much energy. Because my gut reaction is to do violence toward them. They make me very very angry. And, anger shuts off logic and reason, which are essential to maintaining peace and order.
Sometimes I get very afraid because discourteous folk seem to be gaining ground... watch out and please don't be like them. You are NOT better than the people around you and when you act like you are, life gets even more unpleasant than it already is -- for everyone. Including you, you selfish ungrateful delusional idiot.
(Ah, that feels better...)
For example; this morning I decided to go to McDonald's to get a visiting friend of my son's a bagel breakfast sandwich. I'm waiting my turn in the drive through line and another driver comes in the back entrance of the parking lot. She then positions her car to enter the line in front of me, who has been waiting in line patiently.
Now, here's my dilemma. Should I let her in front of me - a head of all the other cars patiently waiting their turn - or do I tell her to get in line like the rest of us?
Well, being sick and tired of these "special" folks always ignoring the principals of good behavior, I indicate to her I'm not letting her in. She rolls down the window and yells to me that she's been waiting to get in the line for two cars now.
So, how is that my problem? I too have been waiting my turn - and, I've been doing it in line the correct way. So, I roll down my window and tell her she should get in line like the rest of us.
Now, I appreciate your patience as I recount this sordid tale of immaturity, but here is the punch line...
She says "I don't have to!"
I have to be honest and tell you that I was floored by this response. And, I am also delighted by it!
For awhile now I have been certain that the root cause of all the discourteous behavior I have witnessed is due to people thinking they are BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE. And, BINGO! This woman proves my hypotheses.
So what, you might ask. Well, since society is based on people following rules to ensure we all can get along together and be safe living together, this is very disconcerting. What I don't yet have figured out is what to do about this type person. When encountering someone who is only concerned about their own welfare and desires at the expense of others -- a.k.a. breaking the societal rules -- how should one respond? I am pondering this question with much energy. Because my gut reaction is to do violence toward them. They make me very very angry. And, anger shuts off logic and reason, which are essential to maintaining peace and order.
Sometimes I get very afraid because discourteous folk seem to be gaining ground... watch out and please don't be like them. You are NOT better than the people around you and when you act like you are, life gets even more unpleasant than it already is -- for everyone. Including you, you selfish ungrateful delusional idiot.
(Ah, that feels better...)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
It's Simple, Simply Not All About YOU!
People are rude.
People are selfish.
People are lacking in fundamental qualities that are the fabric of a functioning society.
OMG - I sound like my parents!
Unfortunately, this stuff is true...
Societies are formed when people come together for the common good - when they come together around a set of shared ideals and goals for which they all join forces to make happen. When individuals begin to care only about themselves and feel no connection with the others around them, you can KISS that group good-bye.
When people only care about their own welfare, they:
I really would like to believe in the inherent goodness of my fellow men and women. But, lately I've been completely dismayed by the actions I've observed taken by people toward me and others. I guess there have always been selfish people around, but never in this massive presence. I don't think this is a good trend.
Someone once said "things have got to get worse before they get better." Who was that moron? Perhaps I've got the quote wrong, but if this sentiment is correct, we're well on our way to witnessing a major attitude correction. Perhaps the Mayan prediction will come true on December 21, 2012 and we'll wake to a whole new world where everyone is kind and considerate of their fellows. How simple, simple. I can't wait!
People are selfish.
People are lacking in fundamental qualities that are the fabric of a functioning society.
OMG - I sound like my parents!
Unfortunately, this stuff is true...
Societies are formed when people come together for the common good - when they come together around a set of shared ideals and goals for which they all join forces to make happen. When individuals begin to care only about themselves and feel no connection with the others around them, you can KISS that group good-bye.
When people only care about their own welfare, they:
- Will abandon the weak who have nothing to give,
- Will neglect their responsibilities to the whole society which only create rules, which are barriers and there to be broken and/or ignored,
- Will worship things instead of ideals,
- Will barge through crowds who get in their way,
- Will develop a disrespect for life (since other people only get in their way),
- etc.
I really would like to believe in the inherent goodness of my fellow men and women. But, lately I've been completely dismayed by the actions I've observed taken by people toward me and others. I guess there have always been selfish people around, but never in this massive presence. I don't think this is a good trend.
Someone once said "things have got to get worse before they get better." Who was that moron? Perhaps I've got the quote wrong, but if this sentiment is correct, we're well on our way to witnessing a major attitude correction. Perhaps the Mayan prediction will come true on December 21, 2012 and we'll wake to a whole new world where everyone is kind and considerate of their fellows. How simple, simple. I can't wait!
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