Thursday, April 19, 2012

Self Improvement

Guess it's that time of the year - time to get fit!

Did pretty well last summer - tightened up and lost inches and pounds, but it's nearly all crept back. Argh.

Motivation has been slow to mount, but I realize I have a couple big social events approaching and a summer wardrobe I'd like to wear, so here I go... worked out tonight! Number 1 is now behind me - yea!

I really should focus on how a healthy lifestyle will prolong my life. Now that I'm in my fifties, there's not a lot of extra time left to waste!

Anyway - I'm commiting to writing this down (if not for any other reason than to shame myself into staying the course!)

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Spire said...

July is about done and I wanted to post my progress report. Not as good as did last year, but someone said to me on Friday, "How much weight have you lost so far?" As I said, some progress. With that, up I go to work out!