Saturday, November 17, 2012


I have so much for which to be thankful!  I just spent time in sunny Mexico's Rivera Maya, where I relaxed and pondered nothing!

Finally, I am realizing the importance of R&R!

Like most of the people I know, I worked really hard and long, rarely taking more than a one week beach vacation each year.  When I retired last January, I had 700 hours of unused annual leave.  Small wonder I was burned out.

The truly amazing thing is it doesn't take a lot of time or money to "get away."  There are so many great locations to regenerate within a few short hour's travel.  Living in the DC/Baltimore corridor, we have 3 great airports from which there are direct flights to almost anywhere.  Now, I'm finally getting smart and realizing what a great thing this is!

So, I guess I'm the ultimate slow learner when it comes to taking care of myself (plus my loved ones) in the R&R department.  Not any more!  I'm open to ideas from friends and other sources on great places and great deals.  I'm thinking I need to hone my Spanish and go next to Spain.  Yeah, that's the ticket!

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