Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Positive about This

There's a law of Physics that goes something like, positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.

If I didn't get the proper field of science right, I know I got the thought correct. And, that's what I wanted to stress here - you get what you attract to yourself.

Too many times I've heard people bemoan the fact that some else gets all the luck. Well, the old saying that you get all the luck you make is actually, factually a reality. Surrounding yourself with positive energy may attract good things to you. But, I know for a fact that when you emit positive emotions, you feel better!

Conversely, when you start down that deep dark path of self-pity and loathing, what out! It only gets worse! If you let that spiral down, out of control, you can get lost in the negativity you created.

Okay - this may be a bit simplified, but it's not an over-simplification. Check it out for yourself. See how many blogs, web sites, etc. are posted that carry this same claim. All I know is how can you lose? It's always better to be up and positive, than down and negative.

It's really that Simple, Simple!


Amy said...

I love this blog entry! It has a great message and I couldn't agree more! Thanks for sharing it :) Feel free to visit my blog at some time.

Spire said...

Thanks, Amy!