Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

Okay, not an original title, but that's where my mind is at today.

I watched the really enjoyable chick flick "Julie and Julia" the other night. The basis for this story is writing a blog. Writing to just write, but hoping it will come to more - which it did in the movie.

Got me thinking about why I started KISSimple. Actually, to be utterly honest, it made me face the truth about why I am doing this - to get noticed for how well I write.

There, I said it.

But, unlike the chick in the film, I am just blathering about random stuff. Nobody wants to read that - I have plenty of proof about that.

I did start out with the premise that it's better to simplify your life, get real and be true to yourself. These underlying themes prevail, but with much less effort I admit. Now, I don't think the quality of my topics nor my writing have taken a dive, but this is an effort in self-indulgence -- like most blogs, I suppose.

But, I wanted to be better than that!

This will take more thought and exploration - in the meantime, another thing I have to admit is that I started writing almost daily and now have dropped off to a meager "here and there" schedule. This won't do. If not for any better reason, I started this blog to improve my writing and to divorce myself of pent up "stuff."

It's time to quit or get back on track - and, perhaps find that special spark that make this blog stand out among the many pages of ranting in cyberspace!

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