Friday, November 7, 2008

Indian Summer's Night Moves

It's absolutely beautiful here in the Washington DC area this evening. It's Autumn at it's best and I'm hoping we got the best election winners for the future of our country.

I'm a registered Independent and I was careful about inspecting issues, examining the messages emitting from radio, TV and the Internet. But, there does seem to be something wonderful about the Fall season right after a Presidential election that I wanted to take notice and make comment.

The 70 degree air around the nation's capital is charged with a hopeful buzz that the new Administration can turn things around. The clear blue day time sky reminds us of the field of blue states on the election coverage channels Tuesday night. The crisp mornings remind us of how sharp the pencil points of new Cabinet and Congress must be when they arrive to work on Day 1. The smell of dry leaves is akin to the smell of old Republicans being whisked away by the winds of change. And the last evening sounds of crickets chirping is like... empty promises made but not kept over the past 8 years.

Oh, I wax poetic tonight, but I'm inspired by the uplifting attitude of our President-Elect as he immediately starting naming members of his new Administration and putting out teasers about his plans to right America's recent course. Like him or not, you probably will agree that Obama's taking charge. That's a good way to begin.

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