Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden?

I'm not a politically astute, I'm an Independent voter, and I have no business writing anything that reflects an opinion about politics. I must express my unhappiness with Democratic presidential candidate Obama's choice of Joe Biden for his VP.

Joe Biden represents the status quo -- he is not a symbol of change, the platform upon which Barack Obama has been stumping for nearly a year now. I haven't forgotten that Biden is tarnished by his lack of honesty while a law student. I don't know if Joe Biden has mended his ways, but I think a liar is always a liar, a cheat is always a cheat, and Joe Biden was shown to be both in his past.

With all the good choices available, why Biden? I don't understand by the Obama champaign would pass up General Clark, Governor Richardson, and even Hillary. All of these people have strong qualifications that would rival those of Joe Biden.

We'll see how all this plays out, but I don't see this a an obvious strategic move. Rather, I see this as a major miscalculation. I don't like John McCain either. But, if he picks Mitt Romney for his running mate, that could very well make them the dream team over the Obama/Biden pairing. I don't get it...

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