Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Here it comes...

Are you ready for Christmas?

For the first time in many years . . . we are ahead of the regular Smoter schedule.

Yes, our exterior decorating is way ahead of our normal schedule.  Thanks for abnormally warm weather, we did some new things that look very festive.  Yea!

Yes, I have the Christmas cards addressed, loaded in the envelops and the holiday newsletter is written and ready to go to print.  I even bought the stamps!  I feel if they get in the mail by Saturday, we'll be good. (Last year I did't make it, so everyone got a New Year's letter instead.  But, last year I was about to retire and finishing up a major IT program that would launch in January, so I had an excuse.)

Inside still looks like Thanksgiving, but we've set aside Sunday to make the switch. All good, especially considering our normal decorating takes place around December 22!  That's by choice because we truly believe Christmas starts on December 25, so we celebrate Christmas until January 6th, the Fest of the Three Kings.  This year we will get to enjoy our festive home for more than a couple weeks. Yea, again!

Gifts!  Bought, all but one - none wrapped.  I usually have this all done by Veteran's Day.  But, this year I didn't have the federal fall holidays off, so my routine was disrupted. Not a big deal, still plenty of time!

Cookies - made one batch, which are now all eaten!  Lebkuchen are cooling in the fridge to be rolled out and baked tomorrow - how many days can the dough sit in the fridge?  We're pushing the limit I think.  Just learned my brother and nephew are coming to visit next week, they love these old fashioned German Christmas cookies, so I'd better get them made!

We went to our annual family Christmas party last Sunday, which is always special. Sadly, my husband's brother passed away in October and he was our Santa.  An elderly aunt also left us this past year.  A new baby is expected, in 2013 and last year's infants were now walking!  There's a new engagement too!  For all the good and bad that happens in families, we are blessed to have this traditional gathering where we all embrace being a family as we head into the Christmas season.  I feel it's so important to keep these family ties, as they will allow us to weather any trouble and cherish each other as no outsider can do.  

I'm looking forward to Christmas this year more than ever.  It's been a year of many changes, and I'm looking forward to having a couple days with my family to enjoy together the bonds that make us Smoters!

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