These left-over and/or unattended-to items are messing with my feng shui! (You know, the ancient Chinese art and science developed over 3,000 years ago, that's a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.)
Most people set resolutions at New Year's, but I'm doing it now!
I am going to get my life in order and bring this untidiness to an end!
First, I am making a list of the top-ranking offenders.
Then, I'm going to decide how to get them off my list, a targeted, specific action to finalize each one of these left-over buggers.
And, then I'll work my way through this list.
Fortunately, there aren't too many individual items on my list. Some will take more time than others to eradicate, but I think I can get through them all in no more than 2 years!
2 years?
Yes, I believe that's realistic - In two cases, I will need to enlist cooperation and participation of another person, which I expect to take some time. But, 2 years to have a clear slate seems like a bargain to me!
It's that Simple, Simple!
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