Saturday, March 3, 2012

My New Freedom!

I am one of the last to join the mobile revolution, but now I'm in!

It's very strange to be a laggert, because when it comes to technology, I'm usually one of the explorers, rarely a settler.

It is really wonderful to be a mobile person - of course, I'm one of the last to find this out apparently! And, I've found an unexpected benefit of owning a smart-phone... I've gained a lot of free time!

Before I owned my new iPhone, I used a government-issued Blackberry. No slur to that fine device. But, the service was very restricted due to the nature of the work and the need for heavy-duty security.

Now, I'm free! I'm keeping up with what's going on in the world all day long as it is actually happening. And, I don't spend hours each night catching up!

But, now I have to find other things to occupy my time -- such as talking with my significant other, reading, doing stuff around the house that I ignored before, volunteering (which I was already doing, but not with as much rigor!), etc.

My revelation is not because Apple did such a fine job with the iPhone... It's because I've shed the restraints of my former job.

Life just got more simple - It's good to join the real world!

(Postscript: Although I could have owned a personal phone, I chose not to. So it's unfair of me to blame my federal employment for my own decision to not carry two phones. The point of this post is to exclaim how it's changed my life! Change is good!)

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