Okay, today's thoughts are about life and what's it all about (Alphie).
Recent events have given me pause to think about what I want out of my life. I've spent 31 years working hard and I've done okay - better than a lot of people I know. Better in terms of promotions and having enough money to spoil my kids and save some for retirement and a "rainy day."
But, at what cost? That's the next question. My kids are well rounded, grounded and educated young people - one graduated from college in May and has started grad school while working for a non-profit. Not making much money, but learning how a business is run, about fund raising, and about grant writing. The other kid is still in college, working way too hard and is trying to graduate in 3 years -- just like her mom! While they were growing up, we took a yearly family beach vacation and they played sports. They went to Catholic school and were well indoctrinated in the faith -- so they could now question it. That's as it should be!
My husband is relatively happy too. I won't expound on him, because he wouldn't like me writing about him. So, out of respect, I won't go there.
Me next. Well, as I've already mentioned, I've had a relatively successful career. But, I did want it to end with a bang and it appears it will end with less than a whimper. Now, it's not over yet, so I'm projecting some, but I see clearly that I cannot stay where I am and go out with a bang. (Reflecting upon this as it's just written, I could argue with myself that is not completely true, but I am choosing to take this stand!) Oh, over the years, I have done some pretty interesting and even note worthy stuff. Unfortunately, I've never gotten the recognition I feel I deserve. And, that's at the core of my whimper comment.
I recently got this year's annual appraisal and it was very disappointing considering I have nearly single-handedly salvaged a mission critical project, one with national implications. Oh, it's not that my work isn't good - it's outstanding. But, I don't play the game. Never have. Why? Because I'm a slow starter. Yes, I believe this is at the crust of the matter. You apparently only get one chance and you have to come in with guns blazing, impress (or scare) those in power, and then manipulate to maintain your position of power. I'm smart enough to know and do this, but truthfully, I would rather put my energy into getting the work done. And, that's why I am allowed to stay and to work hard, but I will never get the prize! Not in the environment where I am employed.
I know it's all within my power to change course, grab hold of a new horse and grasp the gold ring... and, that's just what I am thinking about doing!
(So, you thought this would be about valuing life and not letting work become your life. That's another post, for another time.)
Friday, November 18, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Join Hands and Make World Peace Happen!
My good old friend Kissimple, I'm back!
Been neglecting my writing and spending much too much time working - really working, at my full time job. I must say it's good to be back again on the keyboard, emptying my mind and freeing my spirit.
I know nobody reads this blog. That's okay. I do admit I would love to get a following, but that would force me to find topics of interest to others and not just write for me. That sounds incredibly selfish. All of it! Yes, I selfishly wish to be a writer and to have something important to say that would ignite dialogue and even revolutionize the world! That's why I started Kissimple. To practice and to state my life philosophy that when we make things complex, we lose sight of solutions that can lead to our happiness. I believe problems are solvable and all we have to do to solve them is break the parts down into understandable and doable chunks.
I believe we can even achieve world peace if we all agree that is our goal - the rest will take care of itself! All we need to achieve world peace is the will to do commit and forceful people to keep watch for acts that violate our march toward peaceful cohabitation.
Too simple? Nope! You just have to believe! And, we need world leaders who believe and aspire to achieve world peace. Where are these leaders? Oh yeah, planning wars and other shenanigans to get power and make money. Gosh, if only someone could figure out how to make money on world peace! Then watch out!
Been neglecting my writing and spending much too much time working - really working, at my full time job. I must say it's good to be back again on the keyboard, emptying my mind and freeing my spirit.
I know nobody reads this blog. That's okay. I do admit I would love to get a following, but that would force me to find topics of interest to others and not just write for me. That sounds incredibly selfish. All of it! Yes, I selfishly wish to be a writer and to have something important to say that would ignite dialogue and even revolutionize the world! That's why I started Kissimple. To practice and to state my life philosophy that when we make things complex, we lose sight of solutions that can lead to our happiness. I believe problems are solvable and all we have to do to solve them is break the parts down into understandable and doable chunks.
I believe we can even achieve world peace if we all agree that is our goal - the rest will take care of itself! All we need to achieve world peace is the will to do commit and forceful people to keep watch for acts that violate our march toward peaceful cohabitation.
Too simple? Nope! You just have to believe! And, we need world leaders who believe and aspire to achieve world peace. Where are these leaders? Oh yeah, planning wars and other shenanigans to get power and make money. Gosh, if only someone could figure out how to make money on world peace! Then watch out!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Independence Day
Let's hear it for good old America on its birthday - Yea!
Now, let's take a look at what we have accomplished in the past year.
While not yet great, the U.S. economy has improved since July 2010. In May, home sales rose 8%. That's the most since George Bush was in office.
America's auto industry is on the upswing and had to overhaul itself in the making. American cars are more economic and ecologically friendly in 2011 than they were just a few years ago. Ford and GM have both paid back the American taxpayer loans that kept them alive -- and this has all happened in a brief few years. (Of course Japan's disasters of the past year have helped, but this turn-around was well underway before the earthquake and tsunami struck.)
A lot of people are still unemployed while CEOs keep getting larger bonuses, and the earning gap keeps getting wider and the middle class is barely hanging on to bridge it. This is one area where American needs to focus attention or the whole house of cards we call "the American dream" will collapse around us.
It's my hope that this time next Independence Day, the uphill climb to recovery continued and we all can celebrate our economic improvement - not just the richest few. It's been a few really tough years. As more and more baby boomers look to retire and the millennials looks to carry on behind them, America has to abandon the political anger and discouragement of the past three elections. We need to join forces and hold hands to stand strong and to do what we must to keep our country intact.
I sometimes wonder if we've still got it in us... come on, America - let's get busy and let's put our house in order.
It's really that simple, simple!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
For Eleanor

A very dear relative passed away this week - on Mother's Day.
Her name was Eleanor Kramer. She was the wife of my mother's cousin, Orvia. My family is very small, so all relatives were all considered immediate family.
Eleanor was a strong, independent God-fearing woman. She had served as a Wave in WWII, then married and had two children - William and Linda. She was a dedicated wife, mother and member of First Lutheran Church in Bowie, Maryland. She always had time to help and was a very hard worker.
Eleanor loved Orvia and her children very much. She took great pride in her family - her own and the rest of us. In my early life, I remember Eleanor moving around with lightening speed, always busy - usually working in the kitchen, making food or clearing away remnants after meals. Her house, which Orvia built, was always neat and clean. I went there every Spring to pick cherries in their orchard next to the house. I loved the small ornate playhouse Orvia built for Linda, which was big enough for us to play inside.
Eleanor loved the Lord and I looked up to her for her steadfast faith. I never saw that waiver. Life wasn't always fair for Eleanor, but she never complained. Orvia died of lung cancer and Eleanor missed him dearly. Her faith assured her that he was at peace and that gave her comfort. William and Linda went through hardships, but Eleanor stood solid as a rock when they needed her. That strength carried on to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In later years, Eleanor suffered from incurable injuries due to a car accident, a heart attack (she passed away, but was resuscitated - came out with a great story about the light and a feeling of peace and joy), cancer, and finally being confined to a wheel chair in a nursing home due to a stroke. Yet, she made the most of her situation - always! She volunteered to be the greeter twice a week, she participated in as many social and recreational events as she could (she loved playing Bingo and doing crafts - she was always making crafts for the church Christmas bizarre, and she continued to do so at the home until the stroke left her without feeling in her hands.)
I last visited Eleanor a week before her passing. I didn't know this would be our last time together. She now had oxygen and seemed swollen - probably signs of congestive heart failure. She was so happy to see me and my mother, that she gave up going to Bingo to visit with us.
Eleanor and I shared the same birthday, which cemented us together forever! It was something she always told people we met - "this is my cousin and we share the same birthday!" I loved that we had this special thing that bound us to each other. My last words to her was a promise that I'd be back in a month to celebrate our birthday together. Guess God wanted her to spend it with him.
I loved Eleanor, a lot! With her passing goes the last link to all my beloved family that has gone on before her. She would have been 93 years old this June - a fact that made her very proud! Not only will I miss Eleanor, but she was the one of the few persons left who knew all those other Kramers. Tomorrow is her funeral. I do not want to say "Goodbye" to Eleanor Kramer. I have no choice.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Government Shutdown - Disservice to the People
Has America completely gone nuts?
I am always saying that I am not about making political statements, but this week's insane moves on Capitol Hill beg for political commentary.
As a long time Civil Servant, I must speak out against the politically motivated, self-serving maneuvers our members of Congress have been making concerning the budget and a government shutdown.
In reality, shutting down the Federal government costs more money than keeping it running!
This has been documented -- the sum of restarting systems atop the cost for an orderly stop, back-pay with interest, legal processing, lost productivity due to countless meetings to plan the shutdown and then to plan the restart, overtime to make up for lost time on critical initiatives to name just a few things that cost American's more money than this exercise would ever save!
And, that doesn't even take into account the personal suffering imposed on benefits recipients, the Federal workforce (families and dependents) and our Armed Forces fighting overseas and keeping us safe here at home base.
The longer I live, the more stupid Americans seem to be getting.
Could it be the result of removing Civics as a middle and high school course?
People don't understand they need a strong, efficient and effective government to keep the country running. Else, we'd quickly see our infrastructure fall apart, our schools fail, our streets become unsafe, benefits shrink, and the end of civil discourse.
We are already seeing these things happening and government has been running! Well, all this is the result of 30 years of using the Federal government as a political pawn instead of upholding it as a foundation for our democracy. Now, after all these years of abuse, the foundation is full of cracks.
Could this be the blow that opens a gash we can't close?
I hope not... for America's sake.
I am always saying that I am not about making political statements, but this week's insane moves on Capitol Hill beg for political commentary.
As a long time Civil Servant, I must speak out against the politically motivated, self-serving maneuvers our members of Congress have been making concerning the budget and a government shutdown.
In reality, shutting down the Federal government costs more money than keeping it running!
This has been documented -- the sum of restarting systems atop the cost for an orderly stop, back-pay with interest, legal processing, lost productivity due to countless meetings to plan the shutdown and then to plan the restart, overtime to make up for lost time on critical initiatives to name just a few things that cost American's more money than this exercise would ever save!
And, that doesn't even take into account the personal suffering imposed on benefits recipients, the Federal workforce (families and dependents) and our Armed Forces fighting overseas and keeping us safe here at home base.
The longer I live, the more stupid Americans seem to be getting.
Could it be the result of removing Civics as a middle and high school course?
People don't understand they need a strong, efficient and effective government to keep the country running. Else, we'd quickly see our infrastructure fall apart, our schools fail, our streets become unsafe, benefits shrink, and the end of civil discourse.
We are already seeing these things happening and government has been running! Well, all this is the result of 30 years of using the Federal government as a political pawn instead of upholding it as a foundation for our democracy. Now, after all these years of abuse, the foundation is full of cracks.
Could this be the blow that opens a gash we can't close?
I hope not... for America's sake.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Wow - Hard to Stay Positive
This week has been the pits!
It's not just me either. Everyone has been put through the obstacle course, and then it was the rack! Was it a full moon or was the sun doing something weird to us defenseless humans?
I have to be honest - I didn't keep a positive attitude while going through this week. I dreamed of escape! Funny thing about this temporary lapse into escapism - it didn't help!
Nope - this dreadful week just proved there's only one way to deal with adversity... head on and with a full head of positive attitude!
I had one really GREAT experience this week that alone was able to counter-balance all the unpleasant things I was going through. I spoke with a room of bright college students. Wow! I wish these students could realize how truly great they are. I was there to give them career advice, but it was I who left charged up! Wish I could bottle that energy and take a sip when I need a pick-me-up!
Hey! I can keep this positive feeling alive and well in my mind and in my heart.
So, I'm pledging here and now that I will carry my virtual vial of positive energy into the battles of next work week and I will have a better go of it.
Oh, yeah - I'm ready... after the weekend, that is!
It's not just me either. Everyone has been put through the obstacle course, and then it was the rack! Was it a full moon or was the sun doing something weird to us defenseless humans?
I have to be honest - I didn't keep a positive attitude while going through this week. I dreamed of escape! Funny thing about this temporary lapse into escapism - it didn't help!
Nope - this dreadful week just proved there's only one way to deal with adversity... head on and with a full head of positive attitude!
I had one really GREAT experience this week that alone was able to counter-balance all the unpleasant things I was going through. I spoke with a room of bright college students. Wow! I wish these students could realize how truly great they are. I was there to give them career advice, but it was I who left charged up! Wish I could bottle that energy and take a sip when I need a pick-me-up!
Hey! I can keep this positive feeling alive and well in my mind and in my heart.
So, I'm pledging here and now that I will carry my virtual vial of positive energy into the battles of next work week and I will have a better go of it.
Oh, yeah - I'm ready... after the weekend, that is!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hellooo Out There
Is there an echo in here?
I know I'm writing this for myself and this is supposed to be my way of honing my writing skills. But, with all the popular blogs out there, it's really obvious this is a stinker blog.
That shouldn't bother me because I'm doing this for myself (as I repeat myself). But, it does bother me that I have nothing relevant to say. I'm a really boring person... me! How did this happen. No, don't answer that. I know how it happened. I got married, had a career, kids came along and I got lost in the rat race of daily living.
I don't want to be lost and boring. I've got to get a life and start some hobbies (or revive those I've left on the dusty shelf so long ago).
Time to start exploring who I am!
I know I'm writing this for myself and this is supposed to be my way of honing my writing skills. But, with all the popular blogs out there, it's really obvious this is a stinker blog.
That shouldn't bother me because I'm doing this for myself (as I repeat myself). But, it does bother me that I have nothing relevant to say. I'm a really boring person... me! How did this happen. No, don't answer that. I know how it happened. I got married, had a career, kids came along and I got lost in the rat race of daily living.
I don't want to be lost and boring. I've got to get a life and start some hobbies (or revive those I've left on the dusty shelf so long ago).
Time to start exploring who I am!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Is the World Going Crazy or What?
Sometimes I am just so amazed at how weird things are getting.
When I was a kid, I was taught self-respect and to respect others -- regardless of economic position, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference - you get the point. It was the person that mattered, not all this other demographic junk invented by marketing firms.
Another thing I learned early in life was if you committed a crime, you did the time.
And, lastly, I had drilled into my very being that you treated others as you would like to be treated yourself.
Now, as a middle-aged adult, it appears all this was just a bunch of crap. It's really all about money and power. Okay, okay... I didn't just learn this, but it's just more obvious than ever that the need to disguise your motives is a thing of the past.
Why am I writing about this, today?
It's simple, Simple. I've had enough of watching our "leaders" in Congress attempt to avert the skyrocketing budget by cutting programs for premature babies! Isn't this the bunch that got elected on protecting the unborn children a few years ago?
Again, I am being naive. That's the past and today's mantra is cut the Federal budget. Government is bad. Well, I lived through this once before and I didn't like this movie. Unfortunately, this time grandmothers, infants, and the defenseless poor appear to be in the cross hairs. I suspect this is because our leaders know it makes for good sound-bites, and that's today's reality. Well, reality is about to bite some people right where they live!
Oh, I'm not so much appalled at these moves by Congress, but I am oh so upset that Americans are not getting up-in-arms about this! What will it take to get people to put down the clicker and pay attention? Better yet - make these guys be accountable, respectful, and honest!
I just have to wonder how these folks were brought up. On both sides... those at the top who seem to have such disdain for the folks at the bottom and vice verse.
It appears to me that neither of these groups have a very good reality index. If the top 1% had empathy or just plain sympathy,how could they would offer up the cuts being proposed without considering their impacts on real lives of the very people they were elected to serve. Serve - as in provide service to others! Not feather your own bed!
And, folks on the lower echelon need to wake up and smell the coffee - or should I say tea? Oops - I'm not political, so excuse this not so funny pun. Why would you stand for this kinda of treatment? Turn on your brain and think for yourselves! We are about to be thrown under the bus so the fat farts in Congress can say they cut the budget!
Seriously - if bad things happen to good people it's because they allowed them to happen!
It's that simple, Simple.
When I was a kid, I was taught self-respect and to respect others -- regardless of economic position, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference - you get the point. It was the person that mattered, not all this other demographic junk invented by marketing firms.
Another thing I learned early in life was if you committed a crime, you did the time.
And, lastly, I had drilled into my very being that you treated others as you would like to be treated yourself.
Now, as a middle-aged adult, it appears all this was just a bunch of crap. It's really all about money and power. Okay, okay... I didn't just learn this, but it's just more obvious than ever that the need to disguise your motives is a thing of the past.
Why am I writing about this, today?
It's simple, Simple. I've had enough of watching our "leaders" in Congress attempt to avert the skyrocketing budget by cutting programs for premature babies! Isn't this the bunch that got elected on protecting the unborn children a few years ago?
Again, I am being naive. That's the past and today's mantra is cut the Federal budget. Government is bad. Well, I lived through this once before and I didn't like this movie. Unfortunately, this time grandmothers, infants, and the defenseless poor appear to be in the cross hairs. I suspect this is because our leaders know it makes for good sound-bites, and that's today's reality. Well, reality is about to bite some people right where they live!
Oh, I'm not so much appalled at these moves by Congress, but I am oh so upset that Americans are not getting up-in-arms about this! What will it take to get people to put down the clicker and pay attention? Better yet - make these guys be accountable, respectful, and honest!
I just have to wonder how these folks were brought up. On both sides... those at the top who seem to have such disdain for the folks at the bottom and vice verse.
It appears to me that neither of these groups have a very good reality index. If the top 1% had empathy or just plain sympathy,how could they would offer up the cuts being proposed without considering their impacts on real lives of the very people they were elected to serve. Serve - as in provide service to others! Not feather your own bed!
And, folks on the lower echelon need to wake up and smell the coffee - or should I say tea? Oops - I'm not political, so excuse this not so funny pun. Why would you stand for this kinda of treatment? Turn on your brain and think for yourselves! We are about to be thrown under the bus so the fat farts in Congress can say they cut the budget!
Seriously - if bad things happen to good people it's because they allowed them to happen!
It's that simple, Simple.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I'm Positive about This
There's a law of Physics that goes something like, positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative.
If I didn't get the proper field of science right, I know I got the thought correct. And, that's what I wanted to stress here - you get what you attract to yourself.
Too many times I've heard people bemoan the fact that some else gets all the luck. Well, the old saying that you get all the luck you make is actually, factually a reality. Surrounding yourself with positive energy may attract good things to you. But, I know for a fact that when you emit positive emotions, you feel better!
Conversely, when you start down that deep dark path of self-pity and loathing, what out! It only gets worse! If you let that spiral down, out of control, you can get lost in the negativity you created.
Okay - this may be a bit simplified, but it's not an over-simplification. Check it out for yourself. See how many blogs, web sites, etc. are posted that carry this same claim. All I know is how can you lose? It's always better to be up and positive, than down and negative.
It's really that Simple, Simple!
If I didn't get the proper field of science right, I know I got the thought correct. And, that's what I wanted to stress here - you get what you attract to yourself.
Too many times I've heard people bemoan the fact that some else gets all the luck. Well, the old saying that you get all the luck you make is actually, factually a reality. Surrounding yourself with positive energy may attract good things to you. But, I know for a fact that when you emit positive emotions, you feel better!
Conversely, when you start down that deep dark path of self-pity and loathing, what out! It only gets worse! If you let that spiral down, out of control, you can get lost in the negativity you created.
Okay - this may be a bit simplified, but it's not an over-simplification. Check it out for yourself. See how many blogs, web sites, etc. are posted that carry this same claim. All I know is how can you lose? It's always better to be up and positive, than down and negative.
It's really that Simple, Simple!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
To Blog or Not to Blog
Okay, not an original title, but that's where my mind is at today.
I watched the really enjoyable chick flick "Julie and Julia" the other night. The basis for this story is writing a blog. Writing to just write, but hoping it will come to more - which it did in the movie.
Got me thinking about why I started KISSimple. Actually, to be utterly honest, it made me face the truth about why I am doing this - to get noticed for how well I write.
There, I said it.
But, unlike the chick in the film, I am just blathering about random stuff. Nobody wants to read that - I have plenty of proof about that.
I did start out with the premise that it's better to simplify your life, get real and be true to yourself. These underlying themes prevail, but with much less effort I admit. Now, I don't think the quality of my topics nor my writing have taken a dive, but this is an effort in self-indulgence -- like most blogs, I suppose.
But, I wanted to be better than that!
This will take more thought and exploration - in the meantime, another thing I have to admit is that I started writing almost daily and now have dropped off to a meager "here and there" schedule. This won't do. If not for any better reason, I started this blog to improve my writing and to divorce myself of pent up "stuff."
It's time to quit or get back on track - and, perhaps find that special spark that make this blog stand out among the many pages of ranting in cyberspace!
I watched the really enjoyable chick flick "Julie and Julia" the other night. The basis for this story is writing a blog. Writing to just write, but hoping it will come to more - which it did in the movie.
Got me thinking about why I started KISSimple. Actually, to be utterly honest, it made me face the truth about why I am doing this - to get noticed for how well I write.
There, I said it.
But, unlike the chick in the film, I am just blathering about random stuff. Nobody wants to read that - I have plenty of proof about that.
I did start out with the premise that it's better to simplify your life, get real and be true to yourself. These underlying themes prevail, but with much less effort I admit. Now, I don't think the quality of my topics nor my writing have taken a dive, but this is an effort in self-indulgence -- like most blogs, I suppose.
But, I wanted to be better than that!
This will take more thought and exploration - in the meantime, another thing I have to admit is that I started writing almost daily and now have dropped off to a meager "here and there" schedule. This won't do. If not for any better reason, I started this blog to improve my writing and to divorce myself of pent up "stuff."
It's time to quit or get back on track - and, perhaps find that special spark that make this blog stand out among the many pages of ranting in cyberspace!
Friday, January 21, 2011
I Hate Holidays!
Not THE holidays, but those random days off from work in remembrance of something or some person.
What used to be a legitimate reason for a thrilling 3-day weekend, has now become at this point in my life a pain in the neck. All because of WORK - that four letter word we know, we all need, and we all privately hate.
In my existence, a holiday falling in a week means less time to complete a week's worth of work.
Excuse me! After these past 4 days, I need another holiday from WORK!
But, then I'd have to kill myself again.
How does this make sense? Can someone explain it to me? Is this Bizzaro World?
I'd rather work 5 days than have this reality.
I mean, I do like getting to sleep-in an extra day.
And, when I work so hard to get everything done in 4 days instead of 5, I fall asleep in the couch at 7pm, so that's almost like getting extra time to sleep-in.
Eureka! Problem solved. It's just my perspective that has to change, not the calendar.
I feel much better now.
Of course, drinking wine on Friday night when I actually can sleep-in tomorrow is the best reality of all! Cheers!
What used to be a legitimate reason for a thrilling 3-day weekend, has now become at this point in my life a pain in the neck. All because of WORK - that four letter word we know, we all need, and we all privately hate.
In my existence, a holiday falling in a week means less time to complete a week's worth of work.
Excuse me! After these past 4 days, I need another holiday from WORK!
But, then I'd have to kill myself again.
How does this make sense? Can someone explain it to me? Is this Bizzaro World?
I'd rather work 5 days than have this reality.
I mean, I do like getting to sleep-in an extra day.
And, when I work so hard to get everything done in 4 days instead of 5, I fall asleep in the couch at 7pm, so that's almost like getting extra time to sleep-in.
Eureka! Problem solved. It's just my perspective that has to change, not the calendar.
I feel much better now.
Of course, drinking wine on Friday night when I actually can sleep-in tomorrow is the best reality of all! Cheers!
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