Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do Something Nice for Someone Today

A friend suggested on Facebook that we do something nice for someone tomorrow. I said I would do so.

Why not?

I try to be helpful all the time. Many times people are happy with this treatment. But, not always. There are a percentage of folks who are distrusting of people wanting to be helpful. Why? I haven't figured that out yet. But, I'm pretty sure it has to stem from a deficiency on their part. If someone wanted to be helpful to me, I'd be surprised and/or grateful. But, suspicious? Probably not. People don't generally want to do you harm while disguising their behavior as helpful. Truthfully, I do not understand, so I have no answer.

Regardless, tomorrow I will make sure I do something nice for someone.

As it's a work day, there will be plenty of opportunities. I envision starting off early by holding the door of the elevator to allow everyone to get on board without rushing. Should a vendor reach me on the telephone, I will give them information they are seeking. Whatever it is, I'll be ready and able to deliver on my promise.

I will be nice to at least one person tomorrow.

What about you?

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