Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Peace be Unto You All

It's Christmas and that means it's okay to believe in Angels.

When angels visit us mere Earthlings, they always bid us peace. That's a pretty cool thing to do. Think about it. If we actually were peaceful beings, everything would be perfect. Obviously there would be no war, no murder, and no hatred. These are the things we'd expect to get. You can also add in no child abuse. There would be no mental abuse of family members, coworkers, and strangers living in close quarters. Songs would be about good subjects instead of bemoaning the loss of innocence, loved ones, and jobs. Well, maybe jobs would still be lost in a peaceful world.

To me, the best thing about Christmas is the gift of peace. Christ is called the Prince of Peace. Peace is what you get when you listen to Silent Night in a candle lit church at midnight on Christmas Eve. Peace is what you feel when you sit quietly before your lit Christmas tree admiring the glow of each special ornament and remembering its significance. Peace is what you have when you know your children are safe and sound, tucked in their beds in your house. (For us who have children away at college or in the service or just out on their own, it's extra special when they come home and are asleep in their old room during the holidays.)

Ah, Christmas is about Peace. So, why is it so easy to forget this and fall prey to the marketing hype that precedes December 25? All those gifts will not bring peace to your loved ones. No. But, your love, attention, and affection will bring them peace. And, that costs you nothing more than being a good person and taking the time to make someone feel special.

It's Christmas Eve and my dinner with family is now over. I've cleaned up all the dishes and wanted to capture these thoughts. Peace. That is what I need. I hope you find peace within yourself too. Merry Christmas.

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