Let's hear it for good old America on its birthday - Yea!
Now, let's take a look at what we have accomplished in the past year.
While not yet great, the U.S. economy has improved since July 2010. In May, home sales rose 8%. That's the most since George Bush was in office.
America's auto industry is on the upswing and had to overhaul itself in the making. American cars are more economic and ecologically friendly in 2011 than they were just a few years ago. Ford and GM have both paid back the American taxpayer loans that kept them alive -- and this has all happened in a brief few years. (Of course Japan's disasters of the past year have helped, but this turn-around was well underway before the earthquake and tsunami struck.)
A lot of people are still unemployed while CEOs keep getting larger bonuses, and the earning gap keeps getting wider and the middle class is barely hanging on to bridge it. This is one area where American needs to focus attention or the whole house of cards we call "the American dream" will collapse around us.
It's my hope that this time next Independence Day, the uphill climb to recovery continued and we all can celebrate our economic improvement - not just the richest few. It's been a few really tough years. As more and more baby boomers look to retire and the millennials looks to carry on behind them, America has to abandon the political anger and discouragement of the past three elections. We need to join forces and hold hands to stand strong and to do what we must to keep our country intact.
I sometimes wonder if we've still got it in us... come on, America - let's get busy and let's put our house in order.
It's really that simple, simple!