Friday, January 23, 2015

Another New Year

Instead of whining about another new year and how fast time flies, I am focused on things I want to do this year.  Everyone has New Year's resolutions.  My list is pretty much made of the things I want to change, but it also contains a lot of things I am going to continue to do.

Susan's New Year List of Things to Do

  1. Renew my commitment to being on the Board of our local Camp Fire council.  I will do so by injecting new energy and attention to building a stellar board and driving capacity building to new heights.
  2. Gracefully remove myself from unnecessary and unfulfilling commitments I've made that take my time and energy away from things of real personal value.  This step is needed to enable me to accomplish #1 above.
  3. Spend more time with my friends and rekindle friendships that have

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