Sunday, October 12, 2014


I started writing this blog to capture my reflections and get back to living life in its simple form.  As always, life got in the way, and I haven't been as diligent as I'd planned about writing daily.  Since this is really something I'm doing for myself, it may not even matter how frequently I post, but I think it does matter.  After all, if you want to form a habit, you must be repetitive.

So, l'm going to give it another try.

My desire is to regain the deep sense of being I once had.  I really knew myself well and I found that gave me incredible power.  I used that power to get what I wanted.I got what I wanted because I was confident in knowing myself.

Over the years, I ran into people who didn't like me because I was so confident and they tried to break me down.  One terrible situation did break of a piece which I never regained.  Sadly.

Another time, I ended up in a real cat fight orchestrated by a mad man for his own enjoyment.  Happily, I prevailed and even documented what he was doing which later was used to get him fired.

In the end of my career working for the federal government, I wound up on the wrong side of a political coup and had to get legal help and again prevailed. Although I did nothing to deserve what was happening, it takes pieces away.  I guess I'm lucky I still have most of my pieces.  I've met people who've lost them all.

What I know is it's critical to always be the consummate professional and never let the bastards get you down!

As a child, I spent a lot of time thinking about things. I got to know myself well. I want to get to know myself well again.  Oh, I'm not saying I've lost my purpose, or forgotten who I am.  No, but I couldn't immediately tell you what I think about any given subject without having to stop and think about it.

I want to have answers for any question, situation or circumstance I encounter.  So it begins...

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